Monday, November 28, 2011

Peru Puno to Bolivia La Paz

OK lets see: from New York US to La Paz Bolivia = 70 days and just about 13000 miles, not to bad :)

I left Puno early in the morning and followed the Titicaca lake all the way to the border, it was a nice ride, the weather was good and I'm getting use to the altitude. On one of the view points of the lake I come up on a bus full of tourists, those were the people from Poland that I saw in Nazca and this time my bike was more of a attraction than the lake its self lol.

Border info.
Leaving Peru: Stamp out your passport in the building on the left side and just before the gate you have to go to Aduana office on the right, they will take back part of your registration form and stamp the one half that you get to keep for police check point.
At the police station (next door) the guy was trying to get me for 20bucks telling me that I need to buy some other form of insurance but I stood my ground saying that when I entered the country they told me that this is all I need, so the guy let me go and I was good to go.

Entering Bolivia: at the immigration office go to first window where the guy checks your passport and give you a form to fill up (easy and in English) than off to window 2 where you get visa stamp in (with Polish passport is free for 30days). than you need to get copies of you title, registration, passport both with picture and visa stamp and drivers license. With the copies go to aduana office where they will input all data to the computer and print one form for you.
With that for you go to the police office where they will check your passport and stamp that form, now I got screwed here as the guy asked for 50 Bolivianos as it should be 7, well I didn't knew any better but what you gonna do (f...k them)
once you leave the town there will be one more police check point where for another 7 bolivianos they will enter you into the book and stamp the form again.

Don't go into Bolivia on empty tank as you won't find any gas until you get to La Paz, I guess there is some crap happening with transport and faulty machinery at the oil companies or something like that.
I got to La Paz and found a hotel for a half way decent price to stay over night and next day I will look for a place to leave my stuff for few weeks as I'll travel back into Peru.

At the lake
the bus with tourists from Poland

Last speed bump before the border
it was Sunday so I had get copies done at the Peru side, my bike is already in Bolivia
Riding in Bolivia
Getting into La Paz
View from my hotel
In the morning I check out few Hostels in the La Paz downtown and found a decent one for a very good price and they will keep my stuff here until I come back, cool

The fun traffic in the downtown

My bike is parked inside the Hostel, it will be fun in the morning
to get up those two steps on the right they are about 8 -10" tall each

Taking my stuff apart, I can't wait to ride the light bike again

Just some friendly tips

OK back to Peru tomorrow morning, cheers

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